Study materials
Study materials
For each class (school year) it is necessary, for a student to pass from 20 to 23 tests, 3 tests per month. To prepare for one test, you will receive a comprehensive electronic learning tool (text). If you study it – your success in the test is guaranteed.
The learning tool also includes the self-check test and tasks ( an answer key is included).
In addition to this learning tool you will also gain access to one or more video lectures in which the teacher will briefly describe the topic, answer the main questions as well as explain what to look for in the test. There will also be other learning recourses there that you can use at your convenience.
Before each test on-site consultation will take place, if you have the opportunity and desire, we would encourage you to take part in it..
When you have listened to the video lectures and read through all the study materials, you can now open the test and we wish you luck, and hope that you will recieve the mark you have worked for.